Wood Ducks and Some Thoughts on Exposure

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Wood ducks in the fall, I cannot resist the colours. A few posts back I wrote about aperture because I had read it is the hardest thing for people to understand in photography. In my view, Exposure is equally complicated to get right and deserves a few posts of its own. Exposure can be defined as the light as captured by the camera created by balance of aperture, shutter speed and ISO. So what is a correct exposure, one where the aperture provides the desired depth of field, the shutter speed avoids shake and softness and the ISO makes the result as bright as the original scene without including any noise? That’s a whole of lot of variables. One photographer wrote that correct exposure is in the eye of the photographer. I am going to continue this discussion over the next few posts, starting with ways to set exposure.

2 responses

  1. Great shots – I love Wood Ducks, the only ones we have near us are Mallards and Canadian geese


    March 12, 2018 at 5:45 pm

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